Sunday 19 January 2014

Living the Dream

"Seth (children's leader) was worshipping with children and was prompted to ask 9yr old girl beside him if she could angels in the room (he couldn’t see any himself). She said “Sure they are over there,” and pointed to a corner of the room. Seth said “Why are they here?” She said, “I don't know.” “Well go ask them.” She did while Seth continued worshipping with other children. She came back and pulled on his shirt saying “I know why they are here.” “Why?” “For healing.” When she said that, Seth felt an impact in his spirit so he handed her the microphone and said “Well, find out who is sick and send them over to the angels.” 17 children responded and 9yr old sent them to where the angels were in the room. All 17 kids instantly healed."

Living the Dream, a series of true and verified stories of real people who have encountered God for themselves and have learnt to apply His principles in their normal everyday world, sourced from Dream Culture: Bringing your Dreams to Life

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